Annette Bray

Free Your Body

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By Annette Bray 16 Apr, 2024
The physical body, in tandem with the emotional experience, will hold tight tissues within the body in response to a stressor. The more off alignment you are when a force is applied, the more discomfort you will experienced from the binding process in the muscles and fascia. With regard to emotion, the more negative feeling patterns you enact, the more they become solidified in your nervous system. They ultimately become manifest as pain in your body. We end up creating this affect when the cause of the body's misalignment or negative emotional loop, remains without disruption. So, release is actually a liberating of the energy that binds the tissues of the body and keeps the nervous system in a holding pattern of negative feelings. Letting go of this energy is so important for a being to come back to alignment in body and mind. In the physical body it impedes the posture that creates integrity, In the mind of emotion, it blocks our openness to seeing options other than the negative spiral we're stuck in. And one of the most imperative tools to freeing this up is to be present with feelings and sensations without judgement. Judgement is effectively the manifestation of binding in the body. When it's already there, more of it will halt any liberation of the energy that is limiting you in the first place. There are many techniques that facilitate this process, but of course, I love somatic presence as a gateway since I know how profound it can be. It integrates the physical with the emotional experience so change happens from both of the triggers that hold the loop in place. I'll be putting this into practice later in the week on my FB live. Join me and feel free to ask questions if you want more clarity. Wishing you well :)
By Annette Bray 09 Apr, 2024
In Yoga, this central channel of energy is called the Shushumna Nadi. It's anatomically aligned with your spinal column. And it's understood to be linked to how functional your spine and the internal systems are, within the torso, neck and head. What I see in my clients and so many others is that their movement here is very restricted. It's not good for a body. Where there's limited mobility, there is limited stability. The spine moves in stuck sections of vertebrae which then shuts down the small, yet continuous stabilizer muscles necessary for health. Poor movement means a lack of blood flow and lymphatic fluid to the vertebrae, muscles and fascia, as well as decreasing nourishing energy that powers the nervous system along this central channel. It also disrupts the flow of SCF (cerebrospinal fluid) which bathes and nourishes the brain and spinal cord. And as you explore feeling and movement along this central line in your body, you begin to discover the emotional state that is intertwined within it. If you engage in a somatic movement practice with this part of your anatomy, it can be uncomfortable, yet it's so worth the effort. I have cycled through this exploration for years and revisited with more earnest intention in the years I journeyed through my treatment process. There's so much wisdom the body will share about what it wants to release...and then seek on the other side of that pain, when we call on our courage to feel it. I used my knowledge of anatomy and it's emotional connection, to release and transmute that stuck energy to a realization of innate wisdom and power. Spending dedicated time and presence along remarkable part of your anatomy can change the your body in ways you can't imagine. If you're curious, ask me how...
By Annette Bray 02 Apr, 2024
Last week I shared with you that I was having my last surgery to complete the process of breast cancer treatment. As it is with so many others who face this diagnosis, it's a long story with lots of details. There's much confusion when it comes to emotions and decisions, and sometimes leads to a longer journey than one would hope. I believe all my doctors and medical professionals were kind, caring and skilled. And...I also had internal wisdom that I may not have given full credence to when considering my course of action. This intuition is something that runs through me, and everyone. My body was always there giving clues that if I stayed present with long enough, I would hear. I didn't listen perfectly, and so perhaps my journey was a bit longer. But regardless of what happened, I can move forward in each moment to heal and claim that wisdom and all the strength contained within. Several of you reached out and I know many of you have lovingly been holding me in your thoughts. I wanted to take a moment to express genuine appreciation for this. When we care from our heart and connect to those around us, it and those we love. We reside in these amazing and wise bodies...with all the discomfort and beautiful expression that's available to us. I thank you because you care...and because you reaching out helps me to know that I can help others. That what I care to do for people and this incredible world, really matters. Keep reaching out , I appreciate you ❤️
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